Other Modalities

S.E.A Sessions

Sacred Energy Awakening


Let go of past traumas, break ancestral patterns, dissolve persistent obstacles, and clear negative emotions without lingering emotional ties. Experience a newfound sense of lightness and clarity, carrying with you an enduring peace that influences your life long after the session ends.

This profoundly transformative approach guarantees a palpable shift in your being, offering multiple enhancements in a single experience. Your role is simple: lie back on your yoga mat, immerse yourself in the captivating music, and allow the transformative energy to work its wonders.

+ Alleviate anxiety and depression

+Empower yourself to heal physically and take charge of your life

+Revitalize and awaken dormant energies

Reiki Sessions

~ Remote or in-person sessions ~


The 90-minute appointment includes a health intake/intention setting, a full Reiki Session, and a Biofield/Chakra Energy Reading. Experience the magic of Reiki firsthand and learn what is happening in your energetic biofield that could be the root cause of mental, emotional, or physical concerns you are experiencing in your life. Discover the health of your chakras, the alignment of your biofield, and the overall strength of your energy flow.

+ Crystal Therapy
+ Healing Crystals

Private Yoga

~ Group or Private Workshops ~

Reserve or gift private vinyasa in San Diego, California! Private individual classes are ideal for beginners, injuries, and experts looking to expand their yoga practice.

+ Personal attention in every posture
+ Understand proper mechanics
+ Benefits of each movement

Whether a beginner or advanced practitioner, I create sessions based on your goals to nourish and strengthen the mind, body, and spirit.

Group yoga classes are a great option for work & corporate bonding, and team building.

'Animal Reiki'

At My Pet Reiki, with our amazing human Isa Tsen, we've got a super cool mission! We're all about spreading that warm, fuzzy feeling of Reiki magic to all my four-legged buddies and majestic horses out there. Whether we're chilling in San Diego or hanging out anywhere in the world, Isa's here to make sure we feel paw-some, inside and out.

Benefits of Reiki Healing for Animals at My Pet Reiki:

  • Stress Reduction

  • Pain Relief

  • Emotional Healing

  • Post-Surgery Recovery

  • Improved Well-being

  • Senior Pet Care

Connect with Isa Tsen, Certified Animal Reiki Healer –>

28-Day Holistic Nutrition Reset

Nutrition and Lifestyle Consultation

~ 28-day CUSTOMIZED nutrition & lifestyle reset program

~ $777

This custom-created program includes weekly guidance, recipes, daily menu plans, exercises, and loads of useful information and research to help you reset your body with the right foods and help build new, health-promoting habits that you can lean on after the end of the 28 days. What’s included:

+ Initial Health Assessment
+ 1-on-1 Weekly video/phone sessions
+ Personalized Nutrition Plan
+ Customized Recipes
+ 2 Energy Therapy sessions of your choice (S.E.A or Reiki)
+ Unlimited Email Access

Poly-Queer Life Coach

~ Group or Private Sessions ~

In my 12-year journey of practicing consensual non-monogamy, alongside my exploration of energy work, I've unraveled deeply buried parts of myself, leading to my coming out as a queer individual. This process allowed me to fully embrace and love previously wounded parts of myself from an early age. Through this transformative journey of self-healing, I've committed to guiding others on their paths of coming out. As a PolyQueer Life Coach, I offer a safe and supportive space for individuals to step into their authentic selves, navigating the complexities of polyamorous relationships within the queer community with empathy and understanding.


~ In-Person Only ~


The Access Bars® is a set of 32 points on the head which, when lightly touched, stimulate positive change in the brain and defragment the electromagnetic components of stress, thoughts, and emotions. This gentle, non-invasive technique works on releasing both physical and mental blocks stored within the body and helps facilitate greater ease in all different areas of life. A Bars® session lasts for 50 to 70 minutes and is a process you can undertake as a one-time session, monthly, weekly, or as a daily experience.